Monday, June 21, 2010

3 Things About Six-Pack Abs

The web is flooded with advertising for diets, exercise and equipment to obtain six pack abs. Most of this advertising plays on our natural desires to get something easy without having to do much work. Thousands of so-called experts or fitness gurus are spreading misinformation about fat burning and muscle building. The real way to get six pack abs will probably surprise you! So stop wasting your time doing sit ups and get started the right way!

The first thing that must be made clear is that regardless of what the advertisements on television, newspaper, magazines and the Internet are saying, there is no quick way to six pack abs. Pills, gadgets and fad diets won't do it. That is probably the bad news. The good news is that it doesn't have to be expensive and pretty much anyone can do it, regardless of age, sex or genetics!

There are several big mistakes that many people make when they are trying to get six pack abs:
1. Focusing on direct abs exercises like sit ups, crunches and leg lifts. Although these exercises do strengthen and tone the ab muscles, they DO NOT burn the belly fat that is still covering them! Focusing your efforts on direct abs exercises will not only NOT give you six pack abs, but they can actually make your stomach look bigger and give you poor posture.

2. Working like crazy in the gym but not making the necessary changes to your diet. All the exercise in the world does very little fat burning if your are putting junk in your body. It is a waste of your hard work!

3. Not having the proper mindset going in. This is the number one reason people fail to get six pack abs! On some level, they never really believed they could do it anyway. Without a strong belief and burning desire to achieve your fitness goals, they will never become reality!

So then what IS the real way to get six pack abs? Three important elements: A FULL BODY resistance workout that targets the large muscle groups of the body, a diet consisting of whole and natural or organic foods that avoid anything processed with chemicals, and a strong belief and desire to achieve your fitness goals. There are no shortcuts, but the results are incredible, safe and sustainable. You will never look at fitness and nutrition the same way again and the feeling is so empowering that I want you to experience it!

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