Tuesday, June 29, 2010

3 Great Cardio Strength Training Drills For Optimal Fitness!

If you are looking for a way to drastically improve your level of fitness then you have got to engage both your muscular and cardiovascular systems to make it happen. You see contrary to common belief cardio and strength can work hand in hand with exercise. This is why it is possible to achieve both a superior strength and cardiovascular workout at the same time, as long as, you know what type of training is most effective in helping you to accomplish this goal. This is why I have included 3 tremendous exercises here below in order to help you achieve a tremendous cardio strength training workout!
1. Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell swings are terrific for helping you to acquire a very high level of both cardiovascular and muscular fitness. You see the beauty of this exercise is that it is performed by engaging a movement which involves swinging a kettlebell from between your legs up to at least chest height. This exercise is very effective and works many muscles throughout your body in order to pull it off. By initiating the swinging of the bell you effectively work the muscles of your posterior chain which consist of your glutes, hips, hamstrings, back, and shoulders. This exercise also does wonders for your heart and if you don't believe me then feel free to swing a moderately heavy bell for a bout of about 20 to 30 reps!
2. The Squat Thrust Calisthenic: This is a calisthenic exercise which means that it is a total body exercise that is performed in a rhythmic and systematic manner in order to promote both cardiovascular fitness and total muscular strength. This particular drill requires you to start out standing with your feet at shoulder width and crouching to place your hands on the ground in front of you. The next step involves you kicking your feet back behind you in order to extend your body into an upright push up position. Finally, it is finished by you kicking your feet back up underneath you in order to stand back up. You can intensify the drill further by going into a vertical jump upon standing. This is one butt kicking cardio strength drill my friend.
3. Squat Jumps: The squat jump is an exercise that doesn't require any additional resistance other than your own body weight. However, the drill can be intensified by you holding dumbells, kettlebells, or by wearing a weighted vest. The squat jump is a plyometric drill which means it involves a continuous intense effort of short burst muscular contraction which initiates the stretch shortening response (SSR) of your muscles and connective tissues. This is great for helping you to develop cardiovascular fitness, strength, and also improve your joint integrity. The squat jump is executed by you standing with your feet at shoulder width and squatting down by bending at your hips. As you descend at the squat you will want to swing your arms back as you squat downward and then immediately swing your arms forward at the same time as you explosively extend at your hips, knees, and ankles. You should extend your body with enough force to elevate yourself up off of the ground. From here make sure to land and repeat the same process for every following repetition. Every rep should be done in continuous succession.
If you haven't already started to implement these 3 mentioned cardio strength training drills into your workouts for optimal fitness then you are missing out. Take the time to learn more by accessing more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

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