Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bodybuilding for Fat People

Bodybuilding For Fat People
By Lauren Gregory

There is the misconception that if an overweight person starts to work out regularly and lift weights, he will end up looking something like a big whale. But is this really true?

Simply put, No. If a person wanted to lose weight and get toned at the same time, he could do this if he followed a suitable program and ate normal amounts of food. One sure way to turn into a big whale is to simultaneously overeat and work out.

And no, a fat person does not have to starve himself or go on depriving diets to lose weight and gain muscle. By following a healthy diet especially for getting toned and ripped, you can be assured that you will not end up looking like a beach whale. So the key here is to not rely on your own knowledge but to follow expert advice.

What makes it really tough for an overweight person to undergo a healthy lifestyle change is fear. Fear of deprivation of foods they love, fear of exercise, and even the fear of change itself. So if you are in this situation, there are 3 steps that you should follow:

1- Look at yourself in the mirror now. Decide where you want to lose weight and where you want to be muscular and toned. Now shut your eyes and imagine the new you. Go through a mental stroll of your day to day life- only picture the new hot you living it instead. How do you feel?
2- Draw two columns on a piece of paper. On one, side, write all the negatives of becoming the new you. On the other side, list all of the positives. If your positive column outweighs your negative column, then what are you waiting for?! Its time to take action baby!
3- Choose and pursue a good, reliable weight-loss bodybuilding program, such as THIS ONE.

By following these steps, you will be well on your way to shedding those excess kilos and replacing them with hard-as-steel muscles!

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